Exploratory Study of a K-12 Special Education Online Learning Model for Students with Developmental Disabilities
Lestremau Allen, L., Vitale, J., Hess, B. & Muller, E. (2024). Exploratory Study of a K-12 Special Education Online Learning Model for Students with Developmental Disabilities. Journal of Online Learning Research, 10(3), 349-378. https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/224691/
Equity gaps exist for students with disabilities in educational contexts and these are exacerbated during disruptions to education, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic forced swift changes in education with little guidance or time to prepare. Few researchers have explored the effectiveness and critical components of online learning for individuals with disabilities, and particularly for those students pursuing a diploma who are receiving special education services via small group instruction. This paper offers (a) a brief review of the literature regarding online education for students with disabilities, (b) a description of an online learning model employed with elementary, middle, and high school students with developmental disabilities receiving special education via small group instruction and (c) an exploratory examination of the online learning model’s impact on student attendance and engagement using direct observation data collected across months. Student attendance and engagement were found to meet or approach pre-pandemic levels and student and teacher social validity data further validated the pilot online learning model.
Keywords: Online learning, distance learning, special education, autism and developmental disabilities, K-12 education.
- Hess, Brok
- Lestremau Allen, Lauren
- Muller, Eve
- Vitale, Jessica
Reference Type
- K-12 online learning
- Special education