A Look Back At 3 Years of Michigan Virtual Research
Cuccolo, K. & DeBruler, K. (2024). A Look Back At 3 Years of Michigan Virtual Research. Michigan Virtual. https://michiganvirtual.org/research/publications/a-look-back-at-3-years-of-michigan-virtual-research/
Since the last Research in Review series written in 2020, Michigan Virtual has published over 30 research reports and over 30 research blogs. These publications cover topics ranging from effective practices to emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) guidance needs. Over the past three years, these publications have offered valuable insight into the online teaching and learning landscape. To that end, while each publication holds unique value, there is room to move our collective understanding forward by seeing how the research fits together over time and the narrative that emerges. As such, MVLRI sought to review, synthesize, and offer practical takeaways from the original research published in the past three years.
- Cuccolo, Kelly
- DeBruler, Kristen
Reference Type
- Artificial Intelligence
- K-12 online learning
- Student engagement
- Teacher professional development