A School Librarian Needs Assessment on Culturally Responsive and Impactful K-12 Online Teaching and Learning
Johnston, M. & Green, L.S. (2024). A School Librarian Needs Assessment on Culturally Responsive and Impactful K-12 Online Teaching and Learning. Journal of Online Learning Research, 10(3), 401-425. https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/223922/
There is a lack of research that examines school library education, professional development, or application of culturally responsive pedagogy in K-12 online settings. This research study investigates the characteristics of the school librarianship knowledge gap on culturally responsive online pedagogy through needs assessment research. The article presents findings from the first phase of a national research grant project to examine, assess, and address the school librarianship knowledge gap on the design and delivery of targeted and culturally responsive online learning. Data was collected utilizing national online webinars as online discussion groups. Findings indicate that school librarians are familiar with culturally responsive pedagogy, yet they struggle to translate it into implementation. Additionally, confusion between technology integration and tech-enabled learning exacerbates the knowledge gap on culturally responsive pedagogy. The findings from this needs assessment research will drive the creation of training for school librarians to address this knowledge gap.
- Green, Lucy Santos
- Johnston, Melissa
Reference Type
- Culturally responsive pedagogy
- K-12 online learning
- Online teaching