Making Learning “Sticky” Through A Work- and Project-Based Program at Hamilton Community Schools


DeBruler, K. (2023). Making Learning “Sticky” Through A Work- and Project-Based Program at Hamilton Community Schools. Michigan Virtual.


This report examines the development and implementation of a work-based learning program at Hamilton Community Schools (HCS) in Michigan. The program aims to address the demand for skilled workers and promote Career and Technical Education (CTE) as an alternative to traditional four-year college degrees. By involving students as early as 5th grade, the program provides experiential learning and exposure to high-wage career pathways. HCS collaborated with businesses and higher education institutions to develop a multi-year program focused on different trades at each grade level. Students engage in project-based learning, site visits, and job-shadowing to gain practical skills and explore potential career paths. Challenges, such as logistical tracking and addressing barriers among teachers, were overcome through clear communication, data-driven decisions, and a focus on student-centered learning. Early feedback indicates positive responses, with the program offering valuable opportunities for career exploration and informed decision-making after graduation.


  • DeBruler, Kristen

Reference Type



  • Michigan
  • Project based learning
  • Work based learning