The First Week in An Online Course: Differences Across Schools


Zweig. J. (2023). The first week in an online course: Differences across schools. Michigan Virtual.


This report examines the variations in online course outcomes during the first week for students in high free or reduced-price lunch (FRL) schools compared to other categories. Data from Michigan Virtual’s fall 2022 courses reveals that students in high FRL schools had lower average final grades and showed delayed course access and assignment submission. Early engagement indicators, such as first-week access and submission, significantly influenced final grades. The study highlights the importance of identifying and addressing barriers to online learning success for students in high FRL schools. Timely interventions based on early signals of non-engagement can improve outcomes and promote equity in online education.


  • Zweig, Jacqueline

Reference Type



  • K-12 online learning
  • Online learning
  • Student pacing