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This Clearinghouse is a collaborative effort led by the Aurora Institute and the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute® (MVRLI®) to provide a repository of references to research articles and other publications from the field of K- 12 online and blended learning. This project has been made possible by generous financial support from Next Generation Learning Challenges and in-kind support from the Aurora Institute and Michigan Virtual.

Most Recent Publications

An Exploratory Study of Low-Income Minority Students Online Learning Experience

Gyekye, E. K. & Learned, J. (2024). An Exploratory Study of Low-Income Minority Students Online Learning Experience. Online Learning, 28(4).


Exploring the Relationships Between Motivation and Academic Permormance Among Online and Blended Learners: A Meta-Analytic Review

Walker, A., Aguiar, N. R., & Kuo, Y. C. (2024). Exploring the Relationships Between Motivation and Academic Performance Among Online and Blended Learners: A Meta-Analytic Review. Online Learning, 28(4)


The Impact of Different Instructor Participation Approaches in Asynchronous Online Discussions on Student Performance

Xie, J., Adjei, M., & Correia, A. (2024). The Impact of Different Instructor Participation Approaches in Asynchronous Online Discussions on Student Performance. Online Learning, 28(4).


A Look Back At 3 Years of Michigan Virtual Research

Cuccolo, K. & DeBruler, K. (2024). A Look Back At 3 Years of Michigan Virtual Research. Michigan Virtual.


Breaking Barriers: A Meta-Analysis of Educator Acceptance of AI Technology in Education

McGehee, N. (2024). Breaking Barriers: A Meta-Analysis of Educator Acceptance of AI Technology in Education. Michigan Virtual.


Attitudes, perceptions and AI self-efficacy in K-12 education Author links open overlay panel

Bergdahl, N. & Sjöberg, J. (2025). Attitudes, perceptions and AI self-efficacy in K-12 education Author links open overlay panel. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 8.


Understanding the Influence of Intelligent Agents on Students’ Sense of Classroom Belonging, Engagement, and Academic Performance in Online Classes

Brady, A. C., Botnaru, D., Alt, K., Carroll, G. D., Moldavan, A. M., Mesenbrink-Sainz, J., … Rich, L. E. (2024). Understanding the Influence of Intelligent Agents on Students’ Sense of Classroom Belonging, Engagement, and Academic Performance in Online Classes. American Journal of Distance Education, 1–17.


Community and Equity in State-Level Virtual Schools from a Leadership Perspective

Mullen, C. A., & Warnick, S. K. (2025). Community and Equity in State-Level Virtual Schools from a Leadership Perspective. American Journal of Distance Education, 1–22.


A School Librarian Needs Assessment on Culturally Responsive and Impactful K-12 Online Teaching and Learning

Johnston, M. & Green, L.S. (2024). A School Librarian Needs Assessment on Culturally Responsive and Impactful K-12 Online Teaching and Learning. Journal of Online Learning Research, 10(3), 401-425.


Exploratory Study of a K-12 Special Education Online Learning Model for Students with Developmental Disabilities

Lestremau Allen, L., Vitale, J., Hess, B. & Muller, E. (2024). Exploratory Study of a K-12 Special Education Online Learning Model for Students with Developmental Disabilities. Journal of Online Learning Research, 10(3), 349-378.


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