This Clearinghouse is a collaborative effort led by the Aurora Institute and the Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute® (MVRLI®) to provide a repository of references to research articles and other publications from the field of K- 12 online and blended learning. This project has been made possible by generous financial support from Next Generation Learning Challenges and in-kind support from the Aurora Institute and Michigan Virtual.

Most Recent Publications

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Computational Thinking in Educational Contexts: A Systematic Review of Instructional Design and Student Learning Outcomes

Weng, X., Ye, H., Dai, Y., & Ng, O. (2024). Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Computational Thinking in Educational Contexts: A Systematic Review of Instructional Design and Student Learning Outcomes. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 62(6), 1640-1670.


The Alternative Narrative: When Digital Learning Worked During the Pandemic

Drost, B. R. & Levine, A. C. (2024). The Alternative Narrative: When Digital Learning Worked During the Pandemic. Journal of Education.


Teachers’ use of data from digital learning platforms for instructional design: a systematic review

Hase, A. & Kuhl, P. (2024). Teachers’ use of data from digital learning platforms for instructional design: a systematic review. Educational Technology Research and Development, 72.


A human-centred learning analytics approach for developing contextually scalable K-12 teacher dashboards

Wiley, K., Dimitriadis, Y., & Linn, M. (2024). A human-centred learning analytics approach for developing contextually scalable K-12 teacher dashboards. British Journal of Educational Technology, 55(3).


Parental support challenges for K-12 student online engagement

Guo, Q., Graham, C. R., Borup, J., Sandberg, B., & West, R. E. (2024). Parental support challenges for K-12 student online engagement. Distance Education, 1–27.


Online K-12 Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ AI Utilization and Teachers’ Outlook on the Future of Education in the Context of Artificial Intelligence

Doty, K. & Lipien, Lodi. (2024). Online K-12 Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ AI Utilization and Teachers’ Outlook on the Future of Education in the Context of Artificial Intelligence. American Journal of Educational Research, 12(8).


Teachers’ Perceptions of Student Engagement in Online Learning

Moskovich, S. & Hershkovitz, A. (2024). Teachers’ Perceptions of Student Engagement in Online Learning. Journal of Online Learning Research, 10(2), 215-253.


Exploring the Transactional Distance in Two Remote Teaching and Learning Environments of K–12 students: The Balancing Art of In-teraction

Pettersson, F. & Lindfors, M. (2024). Exploring the Transactional Distance in Two Remote Teaching and Learning Environments of K–12 students: The Balancing Art of In-teraction. Journal of Online Learning Research, 10(2), 191-214.


Trends and Issues in K-12 Virtual Academies: Perspectives of Virtual Academy Leaders

Walter, A., Martin, F., Hageman-Mays, K. & Wiggs, B. (2024). Trends and Issues in K-12 Virtual Academies: Perspectives of Virtual Academy Leaders. Journal of Online Learning Research, 10(2), 153-189.


On the Co-Labor of Teaching and Learning Online

Rice, M. & Barbour, M. (2024). On the Co-Labor of Teaching and Learning Online. Journal of Online Learning Research, 10(2), 149-152.


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