Assignment submission patterns and performance in K-12 online STEM courses


Cuccolo, K., & DeBruler, K. (2024). Assignment submission patterns and performance in K-12 online STEM courses. Learning: Research and Practice, 1–19.


Pacing impacts student achievement in both online and in-person environments. Self-paced online environments offer flexibility where students can submit assignments in any order they wish, but little research has explored the effect on grades. This study addressed this gap by analysing assignment submission patterns and final grades among K-12 students enrolled in online STEM courses through Michigan Virtual. Most students submitted assignments out of order, and this negatively correlated with final grades. A quantile regression suggests that students with higher average magnitude values had lower final grade values. Completing assignments out of order may disrupt the learning process as information and feedback are not properly scaffolded. Other student characteristics may be related to pacing and should be addressed in future work.


  • Cuccolo, Kelly
  • DeBruler, Kristen

Reference Type



  • K-12 online learning
  • STEM
  • Student pacing